Who were the Locrians?

Map of Greece

Ozolian Locrians

The Ozolian Locrians were a people who lived in the Gulf of Corinth.

Opuntian Locris

The Opuntian Locrians were a people who lived across the straits of Euboea. In Homer, these are the Locrians that partook in the Trojan War led by Ajax the Lesser. These people are claimed to be the  Aianteioi, descendants of Oilean Ajax from the city of Naryx, as stated in a third century inscription known as the Madcheninschrift or Maidens Inscription found in the region. The Opuntian Locrians are prominent in this inscription because they were required to send two maidens, provided with provisions and adornment, to Troy as a sacrifice for the sacrilege of their ancestor Ajax.

Epizephyrian Locris

These Locrians, also known as the Locrians-by-Zephyrion, lived on the on the southwestern coast of Italy at the southern end of the Adriatic. Similar to other locations in Magna Graecia settled by Greek colonists, the Locrians arrived on the Italian coast during the mid-seventh century, a fact confirmed by archaeological evidence. The location they chose was situated between two rivers, rising between the hills on the Adriatic seaboard into three low peaks. On these peaks was the Temple of Athena Poliouchos and two small fortresses which acted as defense for the city which did not have an acropolis.